5th Annual Girl Scout Cookie Buying Event


Do-Si-Do, Here We Go!

Trusting Connections is keeping the tradition alive by hosting their 5th Annual Girl Scout Cookie Buying Event! Come join us as we support Girl Scouts and encourage young girls in their efforts to learn business and leadership skills.

We Made A Promise

On Thursday, January 30, 2019, Co-Founders Rosalind Prather and Caroline Wesnitzer, vow to purchase cookies from every Girl Scout that visits between 3:30 pm and 5:30 pm. This year we will be joined with other local businesses including Oracle Ford and Silverado Technologies, and Moms Making Six Figures.

Keeping the Tradition Alive

This year, like the previous, the event will be held at the Girl Scout offices on Broadway. In the spirit of the educational purpose of this program, girls – individually or in groups, will be asked to give a brief sales pitch to TC Co-Founders before being invited to draw from a jar that will contain notes indicating how many boxes the agency will purchase from one to up to 25 boxes. Girls should come equipped with a variety of cookie flavors to sell. They will also have the opportunity to pitch to the other business participants. Signs, posters, and jingles are welcome, so come prepared!

Refreshments and snacks will be available along with a fun arts and crafts activity. We expect a huge turnout this year, so this year we are implementing a scheduling system. Please follow the link below to schedule your time slot.

To schedule your time slot please click here

To visit us on Facebook, please click here

For all other media inquiries, please email info@trustingconnections.com

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