If thinking about the upcoming 2020 holiday season amidst a global pandemic makes you a little depressed, it might be time for a new perspective. I do understand the reality of our present situation. Our inability to enjoy some of the annual traditions we look forward to year after year is so disappointing. Many of
My Favorite Mom Hacks (And Some of Yours, Too)
We Find Alice: How to Hire A Nanny Safely and Simply Through an Agency Placement
COVID is changing the way we live, the way we work and the way we raise children. The nanny industry has also seen a major shift in needs among parents including a drastic increase in demand for private educators, for example. Families who never previously considered a full-time nanny or private educator are opting to hire one
Know This – Before You Hire a Nanny: Tax Edition
Ready to hire a nanny? Given the current parenting crisis, it might be the best decision you’ve ever made. But don’t make this one, major mistake. This month, a California judge ordered Uber to consider all drivers employees, further illuminating the employee vs. independent contractor debate that has also affected the nanny industry. One of our Core
Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms
18 Things Small Business Owners Can Do to Strengthen Their Business When It’s Slow
If you’re a small business owner, you’re likely pretty worried about the future, unless you’re in one of the few industries that are really booming during the COVID-19 crisis. There’s so much out of our hands. We can’t predict what the future holds. We can’t change our current circumstances in terms of lost revenue. Small business