I remember making things for my friends and family when I was a kid and being able to put something together from scratch really made the gift more personal and sentimental. What’s better to gift moms this Mother’s Day than something that was hand-made by their precious little ones? Here are some fun, creative, and easy DIY ideas toddlers can make, with the help of an extra pair of hands of course (caregiver or parent), to celebrate this special Mother’s Day!
Paper Cup Flower Pot

Color Markers
White Paper Cups
A batch of fresh flowers
Some water (optional)
- Grab some white paper cups and markers and let the kids doodle and draw as they please.
- Fill the cups with their (or Mom’s) favorite flowers and add a small amount of water to keep them from wilting.
Dandelion Painting

Thick Stock white paper
Non-toxic paint
Paper plate(s)
Dandelion template
Baby wipes or cloth for cleanup
Picture frames
- Print out a dandelion template. Click here to download one.
- Pour out the paint on paper plates for the kids.
- Have the kids gently dip their thumb or fingertip into the paint and press it onto each dandelion seedhead. Let the kids’ imagination soar as they create the rainbow dandelion of their dreams!
- Wait for the painting to dry completely before putting it into the picture frames!
Mother’s Day Dyed Carnations

White carnations
Food coloring
Vases or clear cups
Sharp knife or scissors (adult use only!)
- Add 10 drops of the toddler’s choice of food coloring into a small clear vase.
- Fill 2/3 of the cup or vase up with water. Add more drop if a darker color is desired or mix it up and create different colors!
- Have the adult cut each stem of the carnations at an angle and place it in the vase/cup.
- Let the kids enjoy as they slowly wait and see the color of the flower change!
Hand and Foot Print Apron

White Apron
Non-toxic paint
Paper plates
Baby wipes or cloth for cleanup
- Set the Apron on a floor. Ensure the apron is on a flat surface.
- Pour the paint out on paper plates, one color on each plate.
- Have the kids dip their palms or foot into the paint.
- To make butterflies, have the kids stamp their opposite foot for each side. The left footprint will be on the right, and the right footprint will be stamped on the left.
- Handprints can be made into bumblebees and flowers.
- Fill in the details with a black marker after the paint dries. Let the kids fill up the apron with other drawings like grass, trees, sun, clouds, or rainbows!
These easy DIY crafts will surely keep the kiddos busy and entertained for a few hours and will definitely be great keepsake gifts for moms!
Written by: Kim Tran, Marketing Assistant at Trusting Connections