Whether you are first-time parents or veteran parents, we all reach that inevitable day when we will have to leave our kid(s) to head back to work. According to the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies, more than 11 million children under the age of 5 are in some type of child-care
Family Tip of the Week
New Year, New Nanny?
Nannying Through Agencies
Eight months ago, I was sitting in my apartment searching for jobs that were a good fit for a recent college graduate. I looked for customer service jobs, elderly caregiver jobs, and internships without any luck. Then, on a whim, I googled “nannying jobs” only to find an advertisement for Trusting Connections Nanny Agency. As
Halloween: How to Keep Trick-or-Treating Fun and Safe
October is halfway over and Halloween is right around the corner. It’s time for jack-o-lanterns, crazy costumes, and overdosing on candy. All year long, kids look forward to spending the night going door-to-door, showing off their costumes and obtaining mounds of candy. However, there are so many precautions to take before going out with your
Bringing Home a New Baby
Whether you’re bringing home your first or your fifth baby, adding a new person into your family’s daily routine can be tricky. Dividing attention between your spouse, your other children, or even your pets can cause a strain in how you live your day-to-day. So what are some tips for a smooth transition? Show you
Why Nannies Need Agencies to Find the Best Nanny Jobs
Nannies- why should you work with an agency when you can easy create an online profile on a nanny finder site and find nanny jobs on your own? The answer may surprise you. Click here to find out 6 key reasons why you may be selling yourself short and taking needless risks by going online and why working with